
Physicists reveal how motion can be generated by frustration

When two people want different things, frustration is inevitable. But these non-reciprocal interactions can also occur not just between people, but in the natural world. In...

Mimes help us ‘see’ objects that don’t exist

When we watch a mime seemingly pull rope, climb steps, or try to escape that infernal box, we don't struggle to recognize the implied...

This personality trait linked to Parkinson’s disease

In a new study from the Florida State University, researchers found that the personality trait neuroticism is consistently associated with a higher risk of...

Mindfulness can make you selfish: Buffalo study shows

Mindfulness and meditation are linked to reducing stress and anxiety while increasing emotional well-being. But how does mindfulness affect the range of human behaviors—so-called prosocial...

Doing this can help you have a longer, healthier life

In a new study, researchers found that when people feel they have resolved an argument, the emotional response linked to that disagreement is strongly...

Writing by hand may help improve memory

In a new study, researchers found that writing on physical paper can lead to more brain activity when remembering the information an hour later. Contrary...

A stress-free life may harm your cognitive functions

Stress is a universal human experience that almost everyone deals with from time to time. But in a new study, scientists found that not only...

What happens in your brain when you ‘lose yourself’ in fiction

Could you see yourself as a Viking warrior that you read about in a book? If you count yourself among those who lose themselves in...

This fruit may boost cognitive function in overweight people

In a new study, researchers found that a diet including daily avocado consumption improves the ability to focus attention in adults who are overweight...

People are fleeing California? Not exactly, says new Berkeley study

Recent reports have suggested that Californians are fleeing the state in droves. But a new study from the UC Berkeley California Policy Lab finds...