Is Your Doctor’s Personality Affecting Your Treatment?
Doctors and patients are different not only in their health status but also in their personality traits, according to a recent study.
Researchers from Australia...
How long is the present? It depends on your heartbeat
In a study from Cornell University, scientists found 'wrinkles' in time experience are linked to the heartbeat.
They found that our momentary perception of time...
Why British English sounds so smart
Are the British generally more intelligent and informed than Americans? Americans certainly seem to think so.
One-click checkout in online shopping could entice people spend 30% more
You’d probably guess that simplifying the checkout process at an online retailer will lead customers to buy more. The question is: How much more?
Don’t be like Darth Vader—negative emotions spark success, but there’s a price
Tapping into the dark side and using anxiety and anger can spark more success than fun and relaxation – but at the cost of your health.
Happy mid-life relationships may protect people from chronic diseases
Satisfying relationships in midlife with partners, and friends are linked to a lower risk of multiple chronic diseases in older age.
Marry or mingle: The risks and rewards of being single
For many people, Valentine’s Day can be an isolating time. The dominant Valentine’s Day narrative insists that to be in a romantic relationship is...
This is your brain on love
You walk into the room and see their face. They smile at you and look into your eyes.
And just like that, your heart drops...
This blood pressure number strongly linked to neurotic personality
High blood pressure is not only a major risk for cardiovascular disease.
It is thought to be associated with psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression,...
The Last of Us could be HBO’s next hit show. But why do we...
This is the world of “The Last of Us,” HBO’s adaptation of the acclaimed post-apocalyptic video game and potentially its next hit show, but it might sound familiar.