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New type of exciton could revolutionize quantum devices

Researchers at the University of Oklahoma have made an exciting prediction about a new kind of particle called a "topological exciton" that could play...

New biomass-based polymer captures and releases CO₂ with ease

Researchers from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering have developed an innovative, biomass-based material that can repeatedly capture and release carbon dioxide (CO₂) without the...

Physicists simplify quantum entanglement for better sensors

Measuring things accurately is a cornerstone of science, and thanks to quantum sensing, scientists can now measure incredibly tiny phenomena—like the vibrations of atoms...

New experiment breaks record in the hunt for dark matter

One of the biggest mysteries in physics is understanding dark matter, an invisible substance that makes up most of the mass in our universe. Scientists...

Scientists develop new quantum algorithm that could revolutionize cryptography

When you send an email or make an online purchase, your data is protected by encryption—a system that ensures only the intended recipient can...

Scientists debunk long-standing myth: stars and dark matter aren’t working together after all

For years, astronomers have been puzzled by a strange pattern observed in galaxies. No matter the age, shape, or size of a galaxy, the...

Could we ever harness quantum vacuum energy?

The fabric of spacetime is roiling with vibrating quantum fields, known as the vacuum energy. It’s right there, everywhere we look. Could we ever get...

Scientists discover the heaviest exotic antimatter nucleus yet

In an incredible breakthrough, scientists working at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a powerful machine that smashes atomic nuclei together to recreate conditions...

Scientists discover hidden behaviors of “excitons” in magnetic materials

A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory has made an exciting discovery about a unique class of materials...

Scientists find new way to unlock the potential of quantum materials

Quantum materials, which operate based on the strange rules of quantum mechanics, have the potential to revolutionize technology. These materials can exhibit unusual behaviors, like...