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If wormholes exist, this is how we might find one

A new study outlines a method for detecting wormholes, which form a passage between two separate regions of spacetime. The speculative phenomenon that has long...

Scientists find where the heaviest elements in our universe come from

Researchers have found the unequivocal evidence of where the heaviest elements in our universe come from. For the first time, the researchers have detected an...

New measurement of Hubble constant adds to cosmic mystery

New measurements of the rate of expansion of the universe, led by astronomers at the University of California, Davis, add to a growing mystery: Estimates...

How to spot a wormhole if they exist

Perturbations in the orbit of stars near supermassive black holes could be used to detect wormholes. A new study outlines a method for detecting a...

Scientists discover a heavy element born from neutron star collision

For the first time, a freshly made heavy element, strontium, has been detected in space, in the aftermath of a merger of two neutron...

Scientists create an efficient quantum interface for light and matter

Researchers have succeeded in creating an efficient quantum-mechanical light-matter interface using a microscopic cavity. Within this cavity, a single photon is emitted and absorbed up...

Scientists create nano-guitar string that could play itself

Scientists at Lancaster University and the University of Oxford have created a nano-electronic circuit which vibrates without any external force. Using a tiny suspended wire,...

How to control friction in topological insulators

Topological insulators are innovative materials that conduct electricity on the surface, but act as insulators on the inside. Physicists at the University of Basel and...

Physicists have found a way to ‘hear’ dark matter

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up 85% of the matter in the universe. Originally introduced to explain why the Strong Force (which...

Scientists find how two suns collect matter in a binary system

Most stars in the universe come in the form of pairs – binaries – or even multiple star systems. Now, the formation of such a...