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This vitamin may protect you from vision loss

In a recent study published in Stem Cell Reports, scientists found that nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3, can inhibit aggressive cell transformations during wound...

These vitamin supplements may prevent respiratory infections

Nutrition has a key role in cutting the risk of several infections, although exactly how it boosts immunity is complex and not fully understood. Vitamins...

These 2 vitamins may reduce your risk for Parkinson’s disease

In a new study, researchers found that people who consume high levels of dietary vitamin C and E may lower their risk for Parkinson's...

This vitamin deficiency greatly increases your COVID-19 risk

In a recent study at the University of Birmingham, researchers found that healthcare workers who self-isolated after developing symptoms of COVID-19 were more likely...

This vitamin in body may predict your future health and death risks

A recent study from University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium found that the circulating vitamin D levels in the blood may be an effective predictor...

Vitamin D3, omega-3 fatty acids cannot prevent blinding eye disease in older people

In a new study, researchers found that for healthy men and women, supplementation with vitamin D3 and marine omega-3 fatty acids have no impact...

Your vitamin D level may affect your gut health

Our gut microbiomes—the many bacteria, viruses, and other microbes living in our digestive tracts—play important roles in our health and risk for disease in...

Getting more vitamin D may help reduce this health problem in older people

When it comes to vitamin D, most adults exhibit either frank deficiency, which results in clear clinical symptoms, or insufficiency, which often goes undetected. But...

Vitamin D may hold the clue to more autism in boys

In a new study, researchers found that a deficiency in Vitamin D on the mother's side could explain why autism spectrum disorder is three...

Whole-fruit vitamin C boosts your feelings of vitality, study shows

In a new study, researchers found that adults low in dietary vitamin C can improve their feelings of vitality by eating two kiwifruits a...