Keto supplements may help reduce body fat
In a new study, researchers found that ketone supplementation may help decrease body fat and body weight.
The finding may help develop an alternative to...
Why some red wines taste ‘dry’?
Wine connoisseurs can easily discriminate a dry red wine, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, from a fruitier red, like Pinot Noir.
Scientists have long linked the...
Scientists decode the smell of dark chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most-consumed treats around the world, and the smell alone is usually enough to evoke strong cravings from even the...
Which can harm your heart more, sugar or saturated fat?
In a new study, researchers found that eating sugar could have a greater impact on coronary heart disease than saturated fat.
They found sugar consumption,...
What you need to know about coffee and heart disease
In a new study, researchers found that drinking too much coffee every day may harm heart health.
They found that people who drink six or...
This diet could prevent heart failure better than any medicine
In a new study, researchers found that the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, a diet for managing high blood pressure, has a...
New health benefit and harm of vitamin D you should know
Recently, scientists have discovered a new health benefit of taking vitamin D.
They found that vitamin D could improve memory function in older people. But...
New electric tongue can handle more spicy foods than you can
Thousands of new spicy products hit supermarket shelves every year. Some people crave the heat, some fear the burn. But if you enjoy it,...
How to reduce added sugar in your diet
It is known that added sugar can bring many health problems.
Recent research suggests that women should eat no more than six teaspoons or 25...
Cambridge study shows that Coco-Cola can ‘quash’ health research
In a new study, researchers found that a contract mechanism may allow Coca-Cola to "quash" findings from some of the health research.
The research was...