Eating dessert first could help cut your calorie intake
In a new study, researchers found that people consume fewer calories if they eat an indulgent dessert at the start of a meal.
The research...
Bedtime protein intake may help build strong muscles
In a new study, researchers found drinking a protein shake just before sleep at night could increase muscle gains and strength for resistance training.
The harm of diet soda to your health
Many people like to drink diet soda because it has less sugar and fewer calories.
The word diet sounds that diet soda may help people...
Eating olive oil may help reduce blood clot
In a new study, researchers found healthy but obese people who eat olive oil at least once a week have reduced blood clots in...
Yo-yo dieting may increase heart disease risk in women
In a new study, researchers found yo-yo dieting may increase heart disease risk in women.
The research was conducted by a team at Columbia University.
These plant-based foods may protect your heart and help you live longer
A new study has shown that plant-based foods could help people live longer.
They could help decrease the risk of deaths from heart disease and...
MIND diet may protect you from dementia
In a new study, Australian researchers found the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay diet, also known as the MIND diet, may help reduce dementia...
Mediterranean diet could make you exercise better
In a new study, researchers found the Mediterranean diet could boost endurance exercise after just a few days.
The Mediterranean diet is high in whole...
What happens when you eat too much salt?
It is common to add salt to virtually everything—meat, potatoes, vegetables, and even some fruits.
Although in small doses it is okay to eat salt,...
How to eat fat in a heart-healthy way
We know that fat is an essential nutrient we need in our daily diet.
Fat can provide us energy and help the body absorb some...