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Strong positive association between social media use and eating concerns

Eating disorders can cause abnormal eating behaviors, such as obsession with food, body weight, and body shape. They have become an important health issue in...

Omega-3 intake may aid in recovery of concussions and brain injury

Brain injuries, such as concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI), pose significant challenges in terms of treatment. Despite extensive clinical studies, an effective strategy for...

Cocoa-based beverage may protect skin from sunlight-induced wrinkles

Katharine Hepburn, an American movie legend and classic beauty, once remarked, "What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime...

Eating oily fish weekly can help reduce risk of stroke

Are you a fan of fish? Well, there's good news for you! A study recently published on the British Medical Journal website suggests that having...

Don’t throw out sprouted garlic — it has more heart-healthy antioxidants

We've all seen it - an old garlic bulb in the kitchen, bright green shoots sprouting from the cloves. Most of us think it's...

Adding eggs to salad can increase Vitamin E absorption

You may want to rethink your salad ingredients! According to a study from Purdue University, adding whole eggs to a colorful salad can increase the...

Seaweed: a new potential way to treat food allergy

Have you ever eaten seaweed? It's a favorite food for people living near the coasts, especially in places like East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Africa,...

Scientists develop the word-first optical sensor to detect vitamin B12 deficiency in blood

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have achieved a remarkable breakthrough: they've created the world's first optical sensor capable of detecting vitamin B12 in...