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Which came first: brain shrinking or alcohol drinking?

For years, researchers have observed that alcohol consumption is linked to reduced brain volume and concluded that drinking can literally shrink the brain. But new...

Soft drinks are the crucial link between obesity and tooth wear

In a new study, researchers found that sugar-sweetened acidic drinks, such as soft drinks, is the common factor between obesity and tooth wear among...

Gluten-free diets won’t make your gut healthy

In a new study, researchers found healthy people who avoid gluten by choice may not get any benefit from the gluten-free restriction on their...

One avocado a day helps lower ‘bad’ cholesterol for heart health

In a new study, researchers found eating one avocado a day may help keep "bad cholesterol" at bay. The research was conducted by a team...

Moderate alcohol drinking linked to less chronic pain, depression

Many people jokingly refer to their occasional glass of wine after work as medicine. A new study hints at there being some truth to the...

Eating too much salt may increase your risk of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s

In a new study, researchers found a high-salt diet promotes cognitive impairment through the Alzheimer-linked protein tau. A high-salt diet may negatively affect cognitive function...

High fiber, yogurt diet may lower your lung cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found a diet high in fiber and yogurt is linked to a reduced risk for lung cancer. The research was...

Snacking: the modern habit that could be putting your health and waistline at risk

Cakes, biscuits and energy bars are, for many people, just staples of everyday life—the snacks that keep them going through the day. But most people...

Vitamin D deficiency may lead to poor muscle function in older people

In a new study, researchers found that vitamin D deficiency is an important determinant of poor skeletal muscle function in adults aged 60 years...

Plant-based foods and Mediterranean diet may make your gut healthier

In a new study, researchers found that specific foods could provide protection for the gut, by helping bacteria with anti-inflammatory properties to thrive. They found...