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Vitamin D may benefit people with skin cancer

In a new study, researchers found that vitamin D influences the behavior of melanoma cells in the lab by making them less aggressive. They discovered...

Moonbeam adds a big bang of flavor to Galaxy tomatoes

A colorful cluster of tasty Galaxy Suite tomatoes await salads, recipes and the tenacious grip of snacking kids. The newest grape tomato – Moonbeam –...

This dietary supplement may help treat type 2 diabetes

Gingko biloba is one of the oldest living tree species. Most Ginkgo products are made with extract prepared from leaves. It is commonly available as...

Fish oil supplements cannot help treat depression and anxiety

In a new study, researchers found that omega-3 fats have little or no effect on anxiety and depression. The research was conducted by a team...

After heart attack: Late dinner and no breakfast can be a killer combination

In a new study, researchers found that people who skip breakfast and eat dinner near bedtime have worse health outcomes after a heart attack. This...

Coffee may help improve your gut health

In a new study, researchers found caffeine consumption is linked to the healthy gut microbiome. They found the microbiomes of regular coffee drinkers were healthier...

This popular vitamin supplement may damage your eyes

In a new study, researchers found a self-prescribed high dose of over-the-counter niacin is linked to injury of a specific cell type in a...

Diet high in trans fats may increase your dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found a diet high in trans fats could put people at increased risk for dementia. Foods that contributed the most...

How measles wipes out the body’s immune memory

New study reveals how measles infection reduces protection against other diseases. Over the last decade, evidence has mounted that the measles vaccine protects in not...

This common fruit may help manage obesity, prevent diabetes

In a new study, researchers found avocados may hold the key to managing obesity and helping delay or prevent diabetes. They found how a compound...