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This vitamin level may help predict your future health risks and death

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to multiple serious health conditions as people get older. The problem is common in Europe, especially in elderly people. It...

Inconsistent mealtimes may increase heart disease risk

To stay healthy, don't just watch what you eat – watch when you eat it. New research is driving that point home by looking at...

Vitamin D supplements may lower your risk of developing advanced cancer

In a new study, researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of developing advanced cancer. The research was conducted by a...

High-protein diet replacements may effectively help you lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that high-protein total diet replacements may be a promising nutritional strategy to combat rising rates of obesity. The research...

This diet could lower blood pressure in older people in U.S.

In a new study, researchers found that eating a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet is linked to lower blood pressure among U.S. adults. The...

New study confirms lack of vitamin D may increase risk of COVID-19

Vitamin D is important to the function of the immune system and vitamin D supplements have previously been shown to lower the risk of...

This diet may effectively reduce stress, promote healthy aging

Even before the pandemic and the presidential election, Americans reported some of the highest perceived levels of stress in the world, according to the...

Eating too much sugar may drive these mental problems

In a new study, researchers found that conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and even aggressive behaviors may be linked...

Meat and dairy diets are directly linked to cancer, study shows

In a new study, researchers found a direct molecular link between meat and dairy diets and the development of antibodies in the blood that...

This diet may help lower blood pressure, study finds

In a new study, researchers found that people who consume a diet including flavanol-rich foods and drinks, including tea, apples, and berries, could lead...