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The skinny on fat: The good, the bad, and the unknown

Fat is an essential nutrient for our bodies. It provides energy. It helps our guts absorb certain vitamins from foods. But what types of...

Omega-3 supplements could raise risk of this heart disease

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm, causing the heart to contract irregularly and, sometimes, too quickly. It is estimated to...

This stuff in basil may protect against Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study from the University of South Florida, researchers found fenchol, a natural compound abundant in some plants including basil, can help...

This supplement may boost brain function in obesity

In a new study from the University of British Columbia, researchers found that ketone supplements may be a new therapeutic strategy for protecting and...

COVID-19 vaccines need to be shored up with a plant-based diet

In a new paper from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, researchers suggest that in addition to vaccinations, health care workers should recommend plant-based diets...

How simple changes could turn pizza into award winning pie

This week our host, Sam, chats with renowned baker Peter Reinhart and learns how a couple of small chemistry tweaks can transform a terrible...

A high-salt diet may disrupt your body clock

Health experts have long known a high-salt diet (HSD) is harmful to the heart. In a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham,...

Rough up your diet: Fit more fiber into your day

Fiber—you know it’s good for you. But if you’re like many Americans, you don’t get enough. In fact, most of us get about half...

How sugars and sweeteners affect your health

Most of us love sweet foods and drinks. But after that short burst of sweetness, you may worry about how sweets affect your waistline...

Mediterranean diet may help reduce erectile dysfunction

In a recent study presented at ESC Congress 2021, researchers found a Mediterranean diet is linked to improvements in erectile dysfunction. The study is from...