Online game addiction can change game players’ brain network, says scientists
As more and more people use the Internet every day, online game addiction has become a serious public health issue all over the world.
Love hormone may support spirituality, says study
Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. It is a universal human experience and typically involves a search for meaning...
The brain has its own way to deal with trauma automatically, says study
Traumatic events (trauma), such as divorce, job loss, death of a loved one can harm mental health. People are easy to get depression and...
Congenitally blind people use visual cortex in the brain to do math thinking
Congenitally blind people are born unable to see or with severe visual impairment. This means they have little visual experience and seldom use their...
Mind-controlled nanoscale robots can deliver drugs in the brain
Controlled drug delivery systems aim to improve the spatial (where) and temporal resolution (when) of therapeutic molecules. However, the temporal resolution is very challenging...
Analyzing autistic brain with graph theory
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs social interaction and verbal as well as non-verbal communication. It can also lead to restricted and repetitive...
Brain activity can predict chocolate sales
Neuroimaging technology deepens our understanding of the world. In a recent fMRI study, German researchers predict consumer behavior in a supermarket based on brain...
Finding music in the brain: a stimulation study of an opera singer during awake...
Music is one of the most fascinating functions of the brain.
Singing, as a particular aspect of music, is even more complex. When we sing...
Do you need to worry about yourself if your sibling has autism?
I used to work with a diligent student in a research project.
He impressed me a lot not only because he was intelligent and responsible...
Tell me something I don’t know
Do you like surprises?
If you don’t, it might be because our brain works very hard to avoid being surprised.
The brain always tries to predict...