
Can brain stimulation stop sexual assault?

Can brain stimulation stop sexual assault?

In a recent study, researchers find that stimulating the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for controlling complex ideas and behaviors, can...
How to keep your memory sharp

How to keep memory sharp

As you grow older, you tend to forget things. Memory loss not only can bring inconvenience to your daily life, but also a sign of...

Where the brain processes spiritual experiences

Yale scientists have identified a possible neurobiological home for the spiritual experience — the sense of connection to something greater than oneself. Yale scientists have...

Learning a second language can alter your sensory perception

According to a recent study conducted at Northwestern University, learning a second language can have a profound impact on the way our senses work...
exercise training

Stopping regular exercise training can strongly reduce brain blood flow

While endurance exercise training can improve physical health, what will happen when we stop this exercise is still unknown. In a recent study, researchers find...
Brain map

Overweight can age your brain 10 years at middle-age

It is known that overweight has many harmful effects on our health. Such effects include higher risks of stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart...

Online game addiction can change game players’ brain network, says scientists

As more and more people use the Internet every day, online game addiction has become a serious public health issue all over the world. When...
oxytocin love hormone

Love hormone may support spirituality, says study

Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. It is a universal human experience and typically involves a search for meaning...
trauma brain

The brain has its own way to deal with trauma automatically, says study

Traumatic events (trauma), such as divorce, job loss, death of a loved one can harm mental health. People are easy to get depression and...

Congenitally blind people use visual cortex in the brain to do math thinking

Congenitally blind people are born unable to see or with severe visual impairment. This means they have little visual experience and seldom use their...