Mental Health

Anxiety affect harm men and women differently, study shows

Feeling anxious about health, family or money is normal for most people—especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. But for those with anxiety disorders, these everyday worries...

Adult ADHD linked to many health problems, study finds

In a new study from Karolinska Institutet, researchers found adults with ADHD are at higher risk of a wide range of physical conditions, including...

1 in 4 Americans with depression or anxiety lacked mental health support during pandemic

In a new study from the University of California, San Francisco, researchers found over a quarter of US adults with depression or anxiety symptoms...

Lithium in brain linked to depression, study finds

Depressive disturbances are among the most frequent illnesses worldwide. The causes are complex and to date only partially understood. The trace element lithium appears to play a...

This mental problem linked to rapid kidney function decline

In a new study, researchers found adults with normal kidney function who had frequent depressive symptoms were more likely to later experience a rapid...

‘Unexciting’ an anxious brain: new drug may help reduce anxiety symptoms

In a new study from the Tokyo University of Science, researchers found a new drug that could reduce anxiety symptoms via unexciting an anxious...

What you need to know about PTSD

Something awful happens. Physically, perhaps, you make it through fine. But for some, the trouble has just begun. Deeply upsetting or frightening events such as...

Probiotics supplements may help reduce depression

Foods that broaden the profile of helpful bacteria in the gut are collectively known as probiotics, while prebiotics is compounds that help these bacteria...

These depression drugs may lead to higher death risk

In a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers found an increased mortality risk in adults with depression who initiated augmentation with...

This drug can reduce daydreaming, fatigue, and brain sluggishness in people with ADHD

In a new study from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, researchers found a drug known to stimulate brain activity can lower mental symptoms in...