Pain Management

Peppermint may help reduce chest pain

Peppermint may help reduce chest pain

Recently, researchers have found that a spoonful of peppermint may help reduce the difficulty of swallowing and non-cardiac chest pain. The research was conducted by...
Weight loss may be a new pain reliever for many people

Weight loss may be a pain reliever for many people

In a recent study, researchers found that losing body weight may help reduce joint pain. They found that losing about 10% of body weight may...
Common painkiller may harm your immune system, damaging heart and kidneys

Common painkiller may harm your immune system, damage heart and kidneys

In a recent study, researchers found that a widely used type of painkiller may increase risks of heart failure and kidney disease. The type of...

Weight loss may help reduce knee arthritis

In a recent study, researchers found that overweight or obese people who lose body weight can reduce symptoms of knee arthritis. The finding suggests that...
What you should know about cartilage-related knee pain

What you should know about cartilage-related knee pain

Whether you exercise or not, you may experience knee pain. This health issue can happen in people of all ages and all levels of physical...

Is your mattress hurting your back?

Back pain is a chronic health condition bothering many people. If you have back pain and haven’t thought about how your mattress may be contributing...
Scientists discover the major cause of the opioid crisis

Scientists discover the major cause of the opioid crisis

In a new study, researchers have discovered the major cause of the opioid crisis. They found that inappropriate pain management after surgery causes most of...
These popular exercises may increase your injury risk

These popular exercises may increase your injury risk

In a new study, researchers found that some popular workouts may increase people’s risk of injury, especially in the knees and shoulders. The research was...
These pain relievers may harm your body weight and sleep

These pain relievers may harm your body weight and sleep

In a recent study, researchers found common painkillers people use in daily life is linked to higher risks of sleep problems and obesity. The finding...
Exercise may protect your joints from arthritis

Exercise may protect your joints from arthritis

In a new study, researchers found exercise could help prevent cartilage damage caused by arthritis. The finding provides useful information for people with arthritis to...