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COVID-19 can rebound after taking oral med Paxlovid

Scientists from University of California San Diego found why COVID-19 can rebound after taking oral med Paxlovid. The research is published in Clinical Infectious Diseases...

Common high blood pressure meds may increase risk of chronic inflammatory skin disease

Scientists from Ewha Woman’s University found a link between the use of high blood pressure mediations and the development of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory...

Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists from Imperial College London found a single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. The study uses machine learning technology to look at structural features within...

This micro-device could pick up early signs of heart attack or stroke

Heart attacks and strokes are the world’s leading causes of death. In Australia each year, approximately 55,000 people suffer a heart attack, with a similar...

Heart disease could cause early brain dysfunction, boosts Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists from the University of Sheffield found that heart disease can directly cause brain dysfunction early on which could lead to dementia and can...

Breathing in polluted air can strongly harm your brain

Scientists from the University of Birmingham and elsewhere found that breathing in polluted air could lead to toxic particles being transported from the lungs...

Dog is your heart’s best friend

Scientists from St. Anne's University Hospital found that owning a pet may help maintain a healthy heart, especially if that pet is a dog. The...

The longest known COVID-19 infection is more than 500 days

In a recent study from King’s College London, scientists found that the longest known COVID-19 infection is 505 days. The patient tested positive for COVID-19...

Scientists find new treatment for liver cancer

Scientists from Cedars-Sinai Cancer found a novel immune checkpoint pathway to treat hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer. This finding, coupled with...

Smoking increases your risk of depression, schizophrenia

Scientists from the University of Bristol found smoking increases the risk of developing schizophrenia by between 53% and 127% and of developing depression by...