Home Medicine Page 66


What is a good death in the ICU

When it comes to the end of someone's life, especially if they are in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), understanding what's best can be...

Next-gen CAR-T therapy reduces deadly brain cancer fast

In a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from the Mass General Cancer Center have found promising results from...

Keto for diabetes: a closer look at the pros and cons

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as keto, has been a buzzword in the health and wellness industry for quite some time. Originally developed to treat...

Home remedies for COVID-19: a study of safety and efficacy

As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed over 6 million lives, a ray of hope shines from research...

Do dementia patients realize they have the disease?

Dementia is a term that strikes a chord of fear in many, representing not just a loss of memory but a gradual erosion of...

A new hope in the fight against portal hypertension

Portal hypertension (PHT) stands as a significant challenge in treating chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis. This condition, where pressure in the portal vein increases dangerously,...

This vitamin supplement may increase spread of cancer

Many people add vitamins and minerals to their diet, hoping to stay healthy. It's quite common to hear about the benefits of these supplements, but...

This small habit can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

In a proactive move to combat heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association (AHA) has recently advised medical professionals to motivate healthy adults...

Vaccines against dementia: Do they work?

Dementia, a term that encompasses a range of neurological conditions affecting memory, thinking, and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily life, represents...

The hidden link between high blood pressure and kidney damage

High blood pressure, often called the "silent killer," is a common health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. It's dubbed silent because it can quietly...