Home Medicine Page 65


How to win the battle against stubborn high blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is like a silent storm brewing inside the body. It often comes without warning signs but has...

The weighty connection between osteoarthritis and obesity

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the wear and tear of joint cartilage, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. It's a condition that many assume comes with...

The connection between diabetes and vision loss disease

Vision is one of our most cherished senses, offering us a window to the world's beauty and dangers. However, this window can become foggy...

Low blood pressure may increase stroke risk

Blood pressure is a critical health metric, often discussed in the context of being too high. Yet, what about when it's too low? Commonly,...

AI system achieves 90% accuracy in identifying lymphatic cancer

In a new study from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, a new horizon in medical diagnostics emerges through the power of artificial intelligence...

Understanding dementia: life expectancy and different stages

Dementia is an umbrella term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, encompassing various conditions, including Alzheimer's disease,...

How ulcerative colitis medication affects heart attack risk

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers (sores) in the digestive tract. It affects the innermost...

How biofeedback can help beat high blood pressure

In our fast-paced world, high blood pressure, or hypertension, has become a common challenge for many. It's like an invisible enemy that quietly undermines...

The maximum mass of a neutron star is 2.25 solar masses

When stars grow old and die, their mass determines their ultimate fate. Many supermassive stars have futures as neutron stars. But, the question is, how...

Scientists find noninvasive way to manage chronic kidney disease

In the world where chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects a staggering 10% of people globally, a big advancement comes from The Hong Kong Polytechnic...