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Beware, young drinkers: too much alcohol might lead to strokes

Did you know that young adults who drink a lot of alcohol might be at a higher risk of getting a stroke? A study showed...

Why understanding how spiders spin silk may hold clues for treating Alzheimer’s disease

Really, we should envy spiders. Imagine being able to make silk like they do, flinging it around to get from place to place, always...

Long COVID: effects on fatigue and quality of life can be comparable to some...

As of March 2023, the Office for National Statistics estimated that 1.7 million people in the UK were living with self-reported long COVID. This refers...

Drinking too much alcohol may accelerate Alzheimer’s development

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) might cause Alzheimer's disease to progress faster in people who are already genetically susceptible to it. Researchers from Scripps Research and...

Brave sugar warriors: helping people with diabetes battle low sugar levels

Do you know about diabetes? It's a health problem that makes it hard for your body to deal with sugar. Now, imagine having so little...

Tiny molecules, big difference: studying how micrornas affect Covid-19

Have you ever heard of microRNAs? They are very, very tiny particles that help control our genes. Genes are like instruction manuals that our bodies...

Hiking Patagonia after spine surgery

Chester France has always just had a bad back. But eventually, his bad back became unmanageable and a diagnosis of sponduilolisthesis started to threaten his plans to go hiking in Patagonia.

AI can effectively diagnose head and neck cancer

Cancer is a very tricky disease. It happens when some cells in our body start growing out of control. These cells can create a...

Alcohol and your heart: a surprising link

Did you know that a little alcohol might be good for your heart? A study led by scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital found out...

New material could revolutionize cancer treatment

A new material, created at the little-explored intersection of organic and inorganic chemistry, could not only enable more powerful solar panels, but it could also usher in the next generation of cancer treatments.