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New treatment could lower blood pressure like exercise

In a recent study, researchers found that increasing the body’s supply of beta hydroxybutyrate could help regulate high blood pressure without reducing sodium intake...

6 unusual signs that your heart may be unhealthy

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This means every year about 1 million lives are lost. The heart and...

Scientists find a new kind of lung cancer

In a new study, researchers have discovered a new kind of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). The discovery paves the way for developing personalized medicine approaches...

New treatment for autoimmune diseases may benefit millions of people

In a recent study, researchers have developed a series of molecules that may provide more reliable relief with fewer side effects for people with...

Marijuana use linked to higher risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease

In a recent study, researchers from Georgia State University found that marijuana use is associated with a three-fold risk of death from high blood...

Vitamin D could rapidly improve arterial stiffness

Rigid artery walls are a big risk factor of cardiovascular-related disease and death and vitamin D deficiency appears to be a contributor. Overweight/obese people with...

5 foods to eat or avoid to control pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes is diagnosed when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as having type 2 diabetes. The...

Your weight history could predict your risk of heart disease and stroke

In a new study, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers found that simply asking older adult patients about their weight history at ages 20 and 40...

Scientists develop a more efficient treatment of prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers have developed  a more efficient and less aggressive treatment of prostate cancer. The new nanomedicine could help treat non-metastatic prostate...
How chronic pain could threaten your night sleep

How chronic pain could threaten your night sleep

Ask anyone who is in pain how their much-needed sleep was, and there's a good chance they will say it was not great. And, it...