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Fish oil could help lower colon cancer risk

Fish oil could help lower colon cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found that eating more fish oil in daily diet is linked to the reduced risk of colon cancer. They suggest...
This test may detect heart attack risk in people with diabetes

This test may detect heart attack risk in people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that a nuclear stress test could help tell heart attack risk in people with diabetes. Abnormal results on the...
Too much vitamin E may boost lung cancer spread

Too much vitamin E may boost lung cancer spread

In a new study, researchers found that taking too many antioxidants such as vitamin E may cause lung cancer spread. They also found that lung...
This body infection has strongest link with stroke

This body infection has strongest link with stroke

In a new study, researchers found that urinary tract infections showing the strongest link with ischemic stroke, a type of stroke caused by blocked...
Low-carb ‘Keto’ diet may improve cognition in older people

Low-carb ‘Keto’ diet may improve cognition in older people

In a new study, researchers found that a low-carb ‘Keto’ diet or an ‘Atkins-style’ diet may modestly improve cognitive functions in older people. The research...

Weight gain may protect you from this disease

In a new study, researchers found that people who have a high body mass index (BMI) or who gain weight as they get older...

Why you should think twice before eating white rice

In a recent study, researchers found that eating more white rice could raise the risk for type 2 diabetes, whereas eating more brown rice...

Being a ‘morning person’ may lower breast cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found that being a morning person (popularly known as larks) is associated with a lower risk of developing breast...

This test may predict stroke risk in people with diabetes

Having diabetes is a risk factor for many other health conditions, such as stroke. In a new study, researchers found that a blood test could...

Living in rural areas may help lower Alzheimer’s risk

In a new study, researchers found that people living in rural areas may be at lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. The research was conducted by...