Preventing stroke can help prevent dementia
In a new research article, researchers say that it is important to prevent dementia by preventing stroke.
The risk factors for stroke and dementia are...
Drinking coffee does not change your cancer risk
In a new study, researchers found that drinking coffee every day does not change a person's risk of being diagnosed with or dying from...
Mattresses could emit higher levels of volatile organic compounds during sleep
Hundreds of household items, including furniture, paint, and electronics, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which at high levels can pose health risks.
Now, researchers reporting...
Gut infection may trigger Parkinson’s disease
In a new study, researchers found that a gut infection can lead to symptoms resembling Parkinson's disease.
This finding extends recent work suggesting that Parkinson’s...
Marijuana may not help beat opioid addiction
In a new study, researchers suggest that the use of medical marijuana may not help beat the current opioid crisis.
Some previous studies have shown...
Learning several new things at once may make your brain 30 years younger
In a new study, researchers found that one important way of staving off cognitive decline in older people is learning new skills as a...
Broken heart syndrome linked to high cancer risk
In a new study, researchers found that broken heart syndrome is linked to an increased risk of cancer.
They found that one in six people...
This new test may predict pancreatic cancer accurately
In a new study, researchers have developed a test using artificial intelligence (AI) tools that may more accurately find which people with pancreatic cysts...
Both numbers in blood pressure can predict heart disease, stroke
In a new study, researchers found that both numbers in a blood pressure reading—the "upper" systolic and the "lower" diastolic—can predict the risk of...
Exercise could benefit people with knee arthritis
In a new study, researchers found that exercise does not harm articular cartilage of the knee in people with osteoarthritis.
In fact, exercise can benefit...