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Older Americans need better ways to prevent dementia

Older Americans need better ways to prevent dementia

In a new national poll, researchers found that many older Americans worry about declining brain health, especially if their loved ones have memory loss...
Chronic sleep loss may lead to memory problems

Chronic sleep loss may lead to memory problems

In a new study, researchers found chronic sleep loss due to insomnia is strongly linked to memory problems and cognitive issues. The harmful effect strongly...
Scientists find a new drug to prevent spread of prostate cancer

Scientists find a new drug to prevent spread of prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers have discovered a new way to prevent metastatic prostate cancer. They found that treating human prostate cancer cells with a...
Exercise after weight loss may protect against colon cancer

Exercise after weight loss may protect against colon cancer

In a new study, researchers found that doing exercise after weight loss may reduce the risk of colon cancer. They found that physical activity could...
Big fluctuations in these 4 things linked to heart disease, stroke

Big fluctuations in these 4 things linked to heart disease, stroke

In a recent study, researchers found that big fluctuations in four things: Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index (BMI), may mean...
This common weed killer linked to human liver disease

This common weed killer linked to human liver disease

In a new study, researchers found that the primary ingredient in popular weed killer Roundup, glyphosate, is linked to human liver disease. This is the...
Scientists discover why wounds hard to heal in diabetes

Scientists find why wounds hard to heal in diabetes

In a new study, researchers have discovered why wounds are hard to heal in people with diabetes. The new finding may help develop a new...
Brain may start to change 30 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms appear

Brain may start to change 30 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms appear

In a new study, researchers found that brain changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease can appear  3 to 10 years—some even more than 30 years—before...
Scientists discover a new cause of arthritis

Scientists discover a new cause of arthritis

In a new study, researchers have discovered a new molecular mechanism causing arthritis. They found that the death of a type of immune cell can...
Scientists make unbelievable nano-sized protein cages with gold

Scientists make unbelievable nano-sized protein cages with gold

A research team has produced a super-stable artificial protein ball that apparently defies the rules of geometry and which may have applications in materials...