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Exposure to pesticide may increase heart disease, stroke risk

In a new study, researchers found exposure to high levels of pesticides raised the risk of heart disease and stroke. The findings emphasize the importance...

Virtual reality could help reduce leg muscle pain during cycling

In a new study, researchers found high-intensity cycling is less painful when combined with virtual reality. The research was conducted by a team from the...

Common herb for treating opioid addiction and pain may harm your health

Kratom is an herbal supplement derived from a plant that grows throughout Southeast Asia. The active chemicals in the plant act on opioid receptors in...

Why aren’t more stroke survivors getting statins?

People with a history of stroke are less likely than those with heart disease to get cholesterol-lowering statin drugs despite the benefits, a new...

Scientists find key to beating opioid addiction

In a new study, researchers found although fighting opioid addiction is tough, it is possible to recover from the disease. They found people who are...

Green spaces may help lower your risk of metabolic syndrome

In a new study, researchers green spaces linked to a lower risk of metabolic syndrome. The finding provides further evidence on the health benefits of...

This new method could diagnose diabetes more accurately

In a new study, researchers have developed a new calculator to help clinicians classify whether a patient has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This...

Scientists solve an 80-year-old mystery of pancreatic cancer

In a new study, researchers have made a new discovery about how pancreatic cancer fuels its growth. The finding may help explain how promising cancer...

Scientists discover new immune disease in human

When a 9-year-old girl with anemia, breathing problems, and recurrent infections sought help for her mysterious ailments, Yale researchers and their collaborators at the...

These drugs may increase your risk of serious falls

Falling is a serious health risk for middle-aged and older adults because it contributes to increased risk of injuries, hospitalizations, and death. In a study...