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This blood pressure drug is linked to higher skin cancer risk

This blood pressure drug is linked to higher skin cancer risk

In a recent study, researchers find that one of the most common drugs for high blood pressure is linked to skin cancer. Specifically, blood pressure...

Scientists restore bladder control to men with spinal cord injuries

In a new UCLA study of five men, scientists stimulated the lower spinal cord and restored bladder control in these men. Currently more than 80...

People with high blood pressure should do this cognitive test

In a new study, researchers find that a clock drawing test for detecting cognitive dysfunction should be conducted routinely in patients with high blood...
Drinking a pint of beer can shorten your life just like smoking a cigarette

Drinking a pint of beer can shorten your life just like smoking a cigarette

Recent studies have suggested that moderate drinking is linked to lower risks of heart disease and dementia. However, some studies challenge the findings. For example, one...

Eye exam one day may predict Alzheimer’s disease

It may be possible in the future to screen patients for Alzheimer's disease using an eye exam. In a new study, researchers from Washington University...
E-cigarette and tobacco are linked to oral cancer risk

E-cigarette and tobacco are linked to oral cancer risk

In a recent study, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco found that e-cigarette and tobacco use is linked to a higher risk...
Fatty fish and camelina oil can benefit your HDL and IDL cholesterol

Fatty fish and camelina oil can benefit your HDL and IDL cholesterol

In a recent study, researchers from the University of Eastern Finland found that eating fatty fish could increase HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) in people...
Two weeks' inactivity could cause diabetic symptoms

Two weeks’ inactivity could cause diabetic symptoms

In a new study, researchers from McMaster University found that just two weeks’ inactivity can have a dramatic impact on health from which it...
Most nutrient supplements, including omega-3, cannot protect the heart

Most nutrient supplements, including omega-3, cannot protect the heart

Many people take vitamin or mineral supplements every day, hoping these supplements provide their body enough nutrients and keep them healthy. However, one recent study...
Depression and bipolar disorder linked to the body clock

Depression and bipolar disorder linked to body clock

In a new study, researchers from the University of Glasgow find that genetically, the body clock, or circadian rhythms, are linked to mood disorders...