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Tooth loss may increase your dementia risk

In a recent study from NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, researchers found tooth loss is a risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia...

This common nutrient may lower diabetes risk in women

In a recent study published in Diabetes Care, researchers found that a higher intake of manganese is associated with a lower type 2 diabetes risk...

Rural heart patients could face more hopelessness

Adults with heart disease living in a rural area, especially those who aren't married, may have more feelings of hopelessness, according to new research...

This high-tech mouthwash could effectively remove tooth bacteria

Nearly every person in the world gets cavities in their teeth at some point in their lives, and about 70% of the world’s population...

These common drugs can increase colon cancer risk

In a new study from Umeå University, Sweden, researchers found a clear link between taking antibiotics and an increased risk of developing colon cancer...

Vitamin K may help cut heart disease risk by a third

In a new study from Edith Cowan University, researchers found that people who eat a diet rich in vitamin K have up to a...

Long work hours linked to both regular and hidden high blood pressure

In a recent study from Laval University in Quebec, researchers found office workers who spend long hours on the job are more likely to...

‘Long COVID’ linked to kidney damage, study finds

Research continues to mount indicating that many people who’ve had COVID-19 go on to suffer a range of adverse conditions months after their initial...

This new drug could help prevent liver damage caused by high-fat diet

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 4.5 million adults in the U.S. diagnosed with liver disease every...

COVID can trigger heart inflammation, study finds

In a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found COVID-19 increases the risk of developing myocarditis (heart inflammation) much...