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With time and without masks, COVID-19 vaccines wane in protection

In a new study from the University of California San Diego, researchers found that the effectiveness of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19...

Shorter course of radiotherapy can safely treat prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers found advanced radiotherapy technology can safely deliver curative treatment for prostate cancer patients in as few as five sessions,...

This study shows the major cause of Parkinson’s disease

12,000 people in Denmark and 7 to 10 million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson’s Disease (PD). It is the second most common neurogenerative disorder of...

Some vaccinated losing 80% of their COVID-19 immunity 6 months after Pfizer shot

In a new study from Case Western Reserve University, researchers found that COVID-19 antibodies produced by the Pfizer vaccine decreased sharply in senior nursing...

This new method shows great potential for treating Alzheimer’s disease

In Alzheimer's disease, a protein (peptide) forms clumps in the brain and causes sufferers to lose their memory. In a recent study from at Uppsala...

Sex drug Viagra may help treat this heart disease

In a new study from the University of Manchester, researchers found the drug Viagra, used to treat sexual impotence, may strongly suppress abnormal heart...

Diet and weight loss can help achieve type 2 diabetes remission

In a new study from UCL and Aston University, researchers suggest achieving "remission" for people with type 2 diabetes through dietary approaches and weight...

As a teen, she saw her mom die from the same heart problem she...

At 13, Alison Conklin passed out while playing in a basketball tournament. When she collapsed again during a competitive game of floor hockey, her...

This study finds the cause of blood clots in severe COVID-19

In a recent study published in Blood, researchers found inflammation and blood clotting seen in very severe cases of COVID-19 may be caused by...

This common food may improve your blood pressure, blood sugar

In a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found middle- to older-aged adults who ate at least three servings of whole...