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After heart attack, mini-stroke and stroke, survivor has some advice

Andy Beal woke up at 4 a.m. and went to the bathroom as he'd done hundreds of times before. This time, though, the 44-year-old...

This study shows potential new drugs to treat COVID-19

In a recent study published in Biochemical Journal, researchers screened thousands of drug and chemical molecules and identified a range of new antivirals that...

This 5-minute exercise can reduce high blood pressure effectively

In a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers found that working out just five minutes daily via a...

Today’s prolonged stress may predict tomorrow’s heart problems

People whose stress hormones reach high levels are at greater risk for developing high blood pressure or having a heart attack or stroke down...

Colon cancer risk can extend to much more family members than thought

In a new study from the University at Buffalo and the University of Utah, researchers found having second- or third-degree relatives with colorectal cancer...

Vegetables and coffee may protect against COVID-19

In a recent study published in Nutrients, researchers found drinking coffee and eating lots of vegetables may offer some protection against COVID-19. They also found...

Lasting immunity and protection from new single-shot COVID-19 vaccine

In a new study from Mass Eye and Ear, researchers found that a novel, gene-based COVID-19 vaccine was highly effective at eliciting neutralizing antibody...

Vaccines beat natural immunity in fight against COVID-19

A common reason cited for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19—especially among the young and healthy—is "I trust my immune system" or some variation of...

These eye problems linked to a higher risk of dementia

In a new study, researchers found age-related macular degeneration, cataract and diabetes-related eye disease are linked to an increased risk of dementia. They found vision...

Since her stroke, her Southern drawl turned into a foreign accent

Most people Pamela Anderson Bowen meets wonder about her accent. Sometimes they try to guess the origin. Maybe Russia? What about Sweden? "I'm from here,"...