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New findings on how ketamine prevents depression

In a new study from Karolinska Institutet, researchers found that the anesthetic ketamine can help people with severe depression has raised hopes of finding...

Lack of exercise and poor nutrition could increase your dementia risk

In a new study from King's College London, researchers found that both diet and exercise can influence the risk of cognitive decline and dementia...

A heart attack at 33? No way, she thought

Breanna Alosi and her family were taking it easy on a Sunday afternoon when the 33-year-old mother felt a pain in her upper back. She...

COVID-19 may strongly affect your brain

In a recent study published in Neurobiology of Stress, researchers found that COVID-19 patients who receive oxygen therapy or experience fever show reduced gray...

This drug can block multiple COVID-19 variants, study finds

In a recent study published in Science Immunology, researchers found that the drug diABZI—which activates the body’s innate immune response—was highly effective in preventing...

Real-time tumor tracking delivers high cure rates, decreased side effects for cancer patients

Image-guided radiation therapy has evolved to include the ability to track tumors in real time during treatment. It’s improving cure rates and limiting side...

High blood pressure and fatty liver don’t add up in death risk

In a new study from the University of Eastern Finland, researchers found the combined effect of hypertension and fatty liver disease on death risk...

This study confirms a strong link between COVID and stroke

Ever since the coronavirus became a widespread global pandemic, medical researchers have sought to understand how the virus impacts other medical ailments, especially neurological...

Gut health strongly linked to outcomes of arthritis

In a new study from Mayo Clinic, researchers found a major indicator of whether a patient with rheumatoid arthritis will improve over the course...

What is flu season likely to bring in an era of COVID-19?

The emergence of COVID-19 has brought with it a steep decline in another—but common—viral infection: the flu. As the United States prepares for the 2021–22 influenza...