Heart Health

Halting heart attacks: recognizing signs and taking action

Heart attacks are medical emergencies that can strike suddenly, but understanding their signs, knowing what immediate actions to take, and employing preventive measures can...

How your heart health connects to your kidneys

When we think about our health, we often consider different parts of our body in isolation. However, our body is a network of interconnected systems,...

Why is high blood pressure a slow and silent heart challenger?

Imagine your heart as a pump and your blood vessels as the pipes. High blood pressure, or hypertension, means your heart is working overtime...

Research shows an important cause of plaque buildup in blood vessels

In the quest to combat heart disease, a leading cause of death in the United States, a dedicated team at the University of Virginia...

Reducing salt is a simple, effective step for heart disease prevention

People with heart disease could greatly benefit from cutting down on salt, yet a recent study reveals they typically consume more than double the...

What you need to know about heart CT scans

In the journey of heart health management, CT scans emerge as a beacon of clarity, offering a detailed glimpse into the heart's structure and...

Since losing her mom to heart disease at 53, health and fitness are her...

Sarah Steinsiek grew up in small-town Arkansas watching her mother, Ruthie Hare, join all sorts of fitness groups. Naturally slim, Ruthie especially loved aerobics...

Fish oil supplements can help control high blood pressure

In our quest for better health, natural remedies and supplements have gained a lot of attention. Among them, fish oil supplements stand out, especially when...

Blood thinners are a heart helper with a caution tag

In the world of heart health, blood thinners have been both heroes and subjects of cautionary tales. These medications, crucial for treating and preventing heart...

The psychology of fighting chronic high blood pressure

Living with chronic hypertension is like sailing on a never-ending sea, where calm waters can suddenly turn turbulent without warning. This condition, commonly known as...