Heart Health

Statin alternative drug could lower cholesterol levels and protect heart health

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in every cell of our body, playing essential roles, but too much of it can clog arteries and...

This heart program can cut hospital returns and save lives

New research from Flinders University has revealed that specialized cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs could significantly reduce the risk of hospital readmissions and death for...

When the heart can’t keep up: understanding congestive heart failure

Picture your heart as a pump that sends oxygen-rich blood throughout your body to keep everything working smoothly. Now, imagine what happens when this pump...

New nasal spray can help treat heart rhythm disorders

In a significant advancement for patients with recurrent rapid heart rhythms, a clinical trial has shown promising results for an at-home treatment option. Led by...

What you need to know about vitamin D and heart health

Recent research by a team in Salt Lake City has sparked a fresh look at how we use Vitamin D to prevent heart problems. Vitamin...

What you need to know about coronary artery disease

Imagine the heart as a city, with arteries as highways that supply it with everything it needs to thrive. Now, what if those highways started...

Ultra-processed foods linked to higher respiratory disease risk

A new study by the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) and the University of Adelaide has revealed a concerning link between...

The dangerous link between aspirin and heart faiure

A recent study from the University of Freiburg has shed light on a significant concern regarding the use of aspirin, especially among individuals at...

Halting heart attacks: recognizing signs and taking action

Heart attacks are medical emergencies that can strike suddenly, but understanding their signs, knowing what immediate actions to take, and employing preventive measures can...

How your heart health connects to your kidneys

When we think about our health, we often consider different parts of our body in isolation. However, our body is a network of interconnected systems,...