Heart Health

New method may effectively predict heart failure in people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers have found a new way of accurately identifying which diabetes patients are most at risk for heart failure. The research...

Arm cuff blood pressure measurements may not predict heart disease accurately

In a new study, researchers found a measurement of central blood pressure in people with difficult-to-treat high blood pressure could help reduce the risk...

Women with heart failure less likely to get beneficial heart pump device

In a new study, researchers found women are less likely than men to receive a mechanical heart pump that is becoming the norm for...

Scientists find better way to treat heart failure

In a new scientific statement, researchers suggest that the emerging practice of precision medicine could one day personalize heart failure care. It will identify groups...

Less TV, more activity may give you more years free of heart disease and...

In a new study, researchers found people who watch less TV and are physically active live more years free of heart disease. The research was...

How to do your grocery shopping like a cardiologist

Many of us vowed to eat more healthfully but don't know how to begin. Here are some grocery store guidelines to reduce the amount of...

Commonly used antibiotics may harm your heart health

In a new study, researchers found users of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as Ciprofloxacin or Cipro, face a 2.4 times greater risk of aortic and...

Daytime napping in this way may lower your heart attack, stroke risk

In a new study, researchers found a daytime nap taken once or twice a week may lower the risk of having a heart attack...

Aspirin may not benefit healthy people over 70

In a new study, researchers found low-dose aspirin does not prolong disability-free survival of healthy people over 70, even in those at the highest...

Two common dietary supplements may protect against heart disease, stroke

In a recent study from West Virginia University, scientists found that some common dietary supplements may help protect people from heart disease and stroke. They...