Heart Health

Exercise could keep your heart young

Exercise could keep your heart young

To keep your heart healthy, you should do exercise regularly, most days of a week. Doctors, health organizations, and the U.S. surgeon general all agree...
How to measure your heart disease risk

How to measure your heart disease risk

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the world. In 2015, about 17.9 million of people die because of it. Heart disease includes...
Eating carbs wisely could lower risk of diabetes and heart disease

Eating carbs wisely could lower risk of diabetes and heart disease

Carbs are one of the main types of nutrients in our diets. Carbs with a simple chemical structure are called sugars. You can find sugars in...
How a good sleep can help your heart

How a good sleep can help your heart

When people talking about a healthy lifestyle, they always include a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is true the eating well and moving around...
Is heart failure the Alzheimer

Is heart failure the Alzheimer’s disease of the heart?

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This may be because the heart cannot...
Leg vessel narrowing shown in the eyes

Leg vessel narrowing shown in the eyes

In a recent study, researchers find that changes in tiny blood vessels of the eye can help predict a higher risk of later narrowing...
New blood thinner may help people with irregular heartbeat

New blood thinner may help people with irregular heartbeat

People with irregular heartbeat due to a condition called atrial fibrillation, are often prescribed blood thinners to reduce the risk of blood clots that...
Drinking beetroot juice can benefit people with heart failure

Drinking beetroot juice can benefit people with heart failure

Although its taste is not liked by everyone, beetroot juice has been shown to have many health benefits. One big health benefit is protecting the...
How exercise can change your heart failure risk

How exercise can change your heart failure risk

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough oxygen-rich blood to meet the body’s need. In the condition, the heart may...
Can watching sports stress your heart

Can watching sports stress your heart?

If you are a sport fan, you know watching sport games can make you both happy and upset. When your favorite team wins, you are...