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This hormone therapy may help obese people lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that hormone therapy can help reduce body weight and glucose levels in people with obesity and diabetes in...

This high-protein plant may help control blood sugar

In a new study, researchers found Mankai, a new high-protein aquatic plant strain of duckweed, could help control blood sugar levels after people eat...

People with diabetes really need to protect their eyes

In a new study, researchers found that eye diseases have become a heavy health burden in people with diabetes. Eye disorders frequently affect diabetic patients...

This medicine could help people with diabetes lose weight, reduce HbA1c

In a new study, researchers found medicine semaglutide may help improve glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes. They tested...

Mediterranean diet may help people with diabetes delay meds

In a new study, researchers found eating the Mediterranean diet plus extra virgin olive oil may help with type 2 diabetes delay their need...

Monthly lifestyle counseling could improve health in people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that monthly lifestyle counseling may improve health in people with type 2 diabetes. The research was conducted by a...

This Indian herb may help fight diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that extracts of an Indian medical herb may help reduce blood glucose levels in diabetes. The herb is Withania...

Older people need regular tests for diabetes, heart disease

In a new guideline, researchers suggest that older people should have regular health checks for diabetes and heart disease. The tests include measuring waistline, blood...
This diabetes drug could cause dangerous body infection

This diabetes drug could cause dangerous body infection

In a new study, FDA researchers found a new diabetes drug could lead to a type of infection in the body, including external genitalia,...

Prostate drugs linked to high risk of type 2 diabetes

In a new study, researchers found men taking medicines to reduce the symptoms of prostate disease may be more likely to develop type 2...