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This Indian herb may help lower blood sugar, treating diabetes

Alternative medicines are becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of chronic illness, primarily because of people’s perception that plant-based medicines are less toxic and...

Statin use linked to higher risk of skin infections, diabetes

A recent study from Curtin University in Australia found that statin use is linked to an increased risk of developing diabetes, a risk factor...

Diabetes can independently cause heart failure

In a new study, researchers found diabetes can independently cause heart failure. The research was conducted by a team at Mayo Clinic. Heart problems are a...

This drug can release insulin in stomach, greatly benefit people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers have developed a drug capsule that could be used to deliver oral doses of insulin. It may replace the injections...

Family history of diabetes may impact bone health in a strange way

In a new study, researchers found that a history of first-degree family members with diabetes is linked to increased bone mineral density as well...

Your gut may influence your blood sugar health

Millions of people around the world experience serious blood sugar problems which can cause diabetes. In a new study, researchers found how gut bacteria impact...

‘Achievable’ weight loss may lead to type 2 diabetes remission

In a new study, researchers found that people who achieve a weight loss of 10% or more in the first five years following diagnosis...

These diabetes drugs linked to dangerous genital infection

In a new study, researchers found that people who are taking a newer class of medications to treat type 2 diabetes may experience pain,...

Artificial sweeteners and diet soda may not harm your blood sugar, this study shows

Artificial sweeteners have been marketed as healthier alternatives to sugar for many years. Compare with real sugar, they contain much fewer or zero calories. However,...

This stuff plays a key role in diabetes development

In a new study, researchers have discovered that some calcium channels play a key role in the development of diabetes. They have deciphered the diabetogenic...