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Early birds vs night owls: for people with diabetes, an early bedtime is best

In a new study, researchers found that people who go to bed early are more likely to be in better health and more physically...

Common Alzheimer’s drugs may reverse blood vessel damage in type 2 diabetes

People suffering from a range of conditions called metabolic syndrome—which includes type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity—have a stiffening of...

10 minutes less sitting and lying everyday may help prevent heart disease, diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that even a short reduction in daily time spent in lying or sitting could have several cardio-metabolic health...

Scientists find the cause of early-stage type 2 diabetes

In a new study, researchers have discovered that the lack of an enzyme in the liver called SphK2 results in strong insulin resistance and...

This hormone may be a warning light for type 2 diabetes

Up to one in four Danes has an unhealthy accumulation of fat in the liver, also known as fatty liver. Fatty liver is rarely the...

Why people with obesity and diabetes more likely to have severe COVID-19

In a new review study, researchers found that COVID-19 works with bacteria to increase disease severity in obesity and diabetes. The combined effects of the...

This mental problem could predict development of type 2 diabetes

In a new study, researchers found that loneliness could predict the development of type 2 diabetes. They found it is the absence of quality connections...

Scientists find a better way to detect prediabetes

In a new study, researchers have developed a patch of needles connected to a paper sensor for diagnosing conditions such as prediabetes. Luckily, this patch...

Protein snack at night could increase blood sugar in the morning

Having high blood sugar levels after eating is linked to health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Previous research has shown that a...

For people with type 2 diabetes, the dose of exercise matters

In a new study, researchers found for people with type 2 diabetes, both aerobic exercise training (like walking or jogging) and resistance exercise training...