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Enlarged heart linked to a higher dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), also known as an enlarged heart, is linked to a nearly two times...

Feeling dizzy when standing up could mean higher dementia risk

In a recent study, researchers found that middle-aged people who experience such a drop may have a greater risk of developing dementia or stroke...

Lung disease in middle age may increase dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found that middle-aged adults with lung disease may be at greater risk of developing dementia or cognitive impairment later...

Loneliness could increase dementia risk by 40%, new research shows

In a new study, researchers found that loneliness can take on your health: It increases your risk of dementia by 40 percent. The research was...

MRI scan could help predict dementia early

One day, MRI brain scans may help predict whether older people will develop dementia, new research suggests. In a new study, MRI brain scans predicted...

Widely used dementia tests may give wrong diagnosis

In a new study at the University of Exeter, researchers found that quick tests used in primary care settings to identify whether people are...

How dementia and cardiovascular disease are connected

Several studies have linked breakdowns in the brain's blood vessels to Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. The findings are presented at Neuroscience 2018, the annual...

Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke are more common than we thought

In a new study, researchers estimated that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will likely be diagnosed with dementia, Parkinson's disease,...

This type of kidney disease linked to high dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found acute kidney injury (AKI) is linked with a higher risk of developing dementia. AKI is an abrupt decline in...

This common prostate cancer treatment may double dementia risk

In a recent study, researchers from Penn Medicine find a common hormone therapy to treat prostate cancer may double a man’s risk of dementia. This...