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A drop of blood can help detect early-stage lung cancer

In a new study from Massachusetts General Hospital, researchers found early-stage lung cancer could be detectable from a drop of blood. Lung cancer, the leading...

This vegetable oil linked to spread of cancer, study finds

In a new study from IRB Barcelona, researchers found one fatty acid commonly found in palm oil, called palmitic acid, promotes metastasis in oral...

How to reduce cancer fatigue

As cancer treatment continues to improve, there are more cancer survivors. The number of people with a history of cancer in the United States has...

Grape seed extract may help increase lifespan, reduce cancer

In a new study from China and the U.S., researchers found that injecting a chemical found in grape seed extract into older mice could...

One in five thyroid cancers linked to overweight

In a new study from the University of New South Wales, researchers examined the future thyroid cancer burden in Australia. They found that 1 in...

Asthma may reduce risk of brain tumors—but how?

There's not much good that can be said about asthma, a breathing disease in which the airways become narrowed and inflamed. But In a new...

This diet linked to lower death in heart disease and cancer

In a new study from Lund University in Sweden, researchers found that more sustainable dietary habits are linked to health benefits, such as a...

7 things to know about ‘chemo brain’

Many people who have undergone treatment for cancer, especially chemotherapy, report they just don’t seem to be able to think as clearly as they...

Colon cancer screening should start at age 45 years

In a new recommendation from the University of Colorado, researchers found average-risk colorectal cancer (CRC) screening should start at age 45 years. They updated 2017...

Scientists find a new treatment for blood cancer

In a new study from Karolinska Institutet, researchers have developed a new kind of immunotherapy for leukemia. They found that the therapy kills cancer cells...