Common heartburn drugs linked to stomach cancer, heart and kidney disease
In a new study, researchers found that common heartburn drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are linked to stomach cancer and fatal heart and...
This diet-drug combo may help fight deadly brain cancer
In a new study, researchers have paired a ketogenic diet and a tumor-fighting drug and found that this combo could help fight an aggressive...
This simple new blood test could detect 7 types of cancer
In a new study, researchers have developed a new blood test that can detect seven different types of cancer.
This simple blood test can spot...
This drug may cut lung cancer in people with COPD
In a new study, researchers found that steroid inhalers could help reduce lung cancer risk in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.
This exercise may effectively reduce colon cancer growth
In a new study, researchers found that doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) could help reduce colon cancer cells.
They found that after a short session...
These medical plants may cut cancer growth
Sometimes nature can provide effective tools to fight cancer.
For example, recently researchers have found that several medical plants can help stop cancer growth.
The plants...
Scientists find a new way to target drug-resistant cancer cells
Scientists come up with a new approach to targeting cancer cells that circumvents a challenge faced by currently available cancer drugs.
A cancer target is...
This sleep problem may increase cancer risk in women
In a new study, researchers found that obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may increase cancer risk in women.
They found that women with this sleep disorder...
New AI could detect lung cancer earlier than doctors
In a new study, researchers found that deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence, could detect lung cancer based on low-dose chest computed tomography...
Weight loss may protect you from 13 types of cancer
In a study, researchers found that obesity is linked to eight more types of cancer and that losing body fat can help lower these...