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Radon exposure linked to blood cancer risk in stroke patients

Recent research published in Neurology has uncovered a potential new health risk associated with radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas. Known as a leading cause...

Research shows real-world challenges in lung cancer screening

A large study involving over 9,000 people getting checked for lung cancer has brought some important insights. This research, shared in the Annals of Internal...

Opioids cannot effectively control cancer pain, study finds

A recent study led by the University of Sydney has brought to light some surprising findings about the effectiveness of opioids in managing cancer...

Eating some nuts everyday may prevent heart disease, cancer

Imagine this: eating just a handful of nuts every day could significantly lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and even premature death. Sounds too...

Immunotherapy and genetic testing can help treat cancer

Cancer treatment has entered a new era with the advent of immunotherapy, a method that uses the body's own immune system to fight cancer. A...

Radiation therapy is a new way to treat heart failure

Researchers have reported a groundbreaking discovery in the field of cardiology: radiation therapy may potentially be used to treat heart failure. This innovative approach was...

Understanding and preventing liver cancer

Liver cancer, including primary liver cancer and intrahepatic bile duct cancer, is a significant health concern. This year, more than 41,000 new cases are...

Hair relaxer use linked to uterine cancer risk in some women

A recent study has unveiled a concerning association between the long-term use of chemical hair relaxers and an increased risk of uterine cancer among...

Healthy lifestyle improves chemotherapy outcomes in breast cancer, study finds

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has revealed that a targeted diet and exercise program can significantly benefit women undergoing...

Scientists find root cause of cancer

Scientists at Yale University have taken a big step in understanding cancer. They've been trying to figure out what really causes the changes in...