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Acupuncture could reduce dry mouth caused by cancer treatment

In a new study, researchers found that after receiving acupuncture treatment three days a week during the course of radiation treatment, head and neck...

Common anti-inflammatory drug may help reduce cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found aspirin use three or more times per week is linked to reductions in all-cause, any cancer, gastrointestinal cancer,...

Scientists develop new drugs to treat blood cancer

In a new study, researchers have discovered a safe and potent next generation of drugs to fight multiple types of leukemia and lymphoma in...

Scientists find the key to early detection of colon cancer

Colorectal cancer, the third most prevalent cancer globally, is a relatively slow-moving disease. This means it takes a long period of time before reaching...

Stricter alcohol policies may help lower cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found a new association between more restrictive alcohol policies and lower rates of cancer mortality. The research was conducted by...

Short-term health impacts of prostate cancer detection methods

In a new study, researchers examined the short-term degree of discomfort associated with two different prostate cancer detection methods: prostate MRIs and prostate biopsies. They...

5 things about cancer everyone should know

Americans have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer in their lifetime, and a 1 in 5 chance of dying from it. But despite...

New evidence that fruits and vegetables help fight colon cancer

In a new study, researchers found new evidence that natural compounds in fruits and vegetables, known as flavonoids, can help prevent colon cancer. They suggest...

How cancer survivors develop opioid addictions

In a new study, researchers found how cancer survivors could develop opioid addictions. The research was done by a team at the University of California...

Why men get more cancer than women

In a new study, researchers have shed new light on why men are more likely than women to get cancer. They uncovered a new role...