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Weight loss can reduce cancer risk in people with diabetes

A new study led by the University of Bristol has made an exciting discovery for people with type 2 diabetes. Published in eBioMedicine, this study...

Simple blood test for early ovarian cancer detection

For over 30 years, doctors have been trying hard to find an early test for ovarian cancer, a disease that's hard to notice until...

Researchers find important cause of major cancers

In the United States, many common cancers are highly preventable through lifestyle choices. Skin cancers, like melanoma, often arise from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light,...

New blood test strongly improves brain cancer diagnosis

A groundbreaking blood test has been developed, offering a non-invasive and safer method for diagnosing the deadliest form of brain cancer. It potentially eliminates...

Scientists find best therapy for bladder cancer

Researchers at the Tisch Cancer Institute have made a significant discovery in the treatment of bladder cancer. They found that a specific type of chemotherapy,...

Scientists develop new tool to manage pancreatic cancer

Cedars-Sinai Cancer researchers are paving the way in cancer treatment with the development of a groundbreaking precision medicine and artificial intelligence tool known as...

Scientists can detect bowel cancer without stool samples

A groundbreaking study, led by an international team from Adelaide and the United States, has unlocked a novel method for detecting bowel cancer that...

Can vitamin B3 boost cancer growth?

In a surprising turn of events, recent research from the University of Missouri has raised concerns about nicotinamide riboside (NR), a form of vitamin...

Unintentional weight loss may be a warning sign for cancer

A study from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has highlighted a concerning link: unintentional weight loss might signal an increased risk of cancer diagnosis within the...

These people more likely to be over diagnosed with skin cancer

In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged in the medical world, particularly in the diagnosis of melanoma, a type of skin cancer, among...