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Red meat linked to colon cancer, study confirms

In a recent study published in Cancer Discovery, researchers confirmed the strong link between red meat and colon cancer. They identified specific patterns of DNA...

Brain tumors: Do you know the symptoms?

A tumor in the brain isn’t like tumors in other parts of your body. It has limited room for growth because of the skull. This...

Low vitamin D may increase risk of bladder cancer

In a recent study from the University of Warwick and elsewhere, researchers suggest a vitamin D deficiency might increase the risk of bladder cancer. the...

Years of taking vitamin D can cut cancer death risk

In a recent study from Michigan State University, researchers found vitamin D, if taken for at least three years, could help cancer patients live...

New cancer treatment may reawaken the immune system

Immunotherapy is a promising strategy to treat cancer by stimulating the body's own immune system to destroy tumor cells, but it only works for...

These 3 things can increase risk of colon cancer

In a new study, researchers found the nuances of sex differences and lifestyle influences on colon cancer risk. They found sedentary lifestyle, a high-fat diet,...

You need 5 hours per week of exercise to prevent cancer

In a new study from the American Cancer Society, researchers found more than 46,000 cancer cases annually in the United States could be prevented...

Yogurt and high-fiber diet may cut lung cancer risk

In a new study from Vanderbilt University, researchers found a diet high in fiber and yogurt is linked to a reduced risk of lung...

Daily use of cannabidiol (‘CBD’) oil may shrink lung tumor, study finds

In a new study from Watford General Hospital in the UK, researchers found a daily cannabis oil user whose lung tumor shrank without the...

Frequent alcohol drinking can increase risks for these cancers

In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers found the frequency of drinking alcohol may be a more important risk factor for...