Alzheimer's disease

Scientists find a root cause of Alzheimer’s disease to fight the disease

Alzheimer's disease is a serious health problem that mostly affects older adults, causing them to lose their memory, get confused easily, and behave differently. It's...

Why diabetes can cause Alzheimer’s: Liver is the key

In recent research conducted with mice, scientists have uncovered crucial details at the molecular level explaining why individuals with diabetes might be at a...

How aging and obesity set the stage for Alzheimer’s

In the tapestry of human health, aging and obesity are two threads that have long been intertwined with various medical conditions. Recently, a growing body...

The hidden link between bipolar disorder and dementia

The human brain is a complex organ, and its health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ranging from genetic to environmental. Among the conditions...

Supplements for Parkinson’s: Can they work?

Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement, has long been a puzzle for both those living with it and the medical community seeking...

Homeless people have much higher dementia risk, study finds

New research reveals that homeless people are almost twice as likely to have dementia compared to the general population. This study, one of the first...

New study unlocks Alzheimer’s mysteries through genetics

In the quest to tackle Alzheimer's disease, a condition that gradually takes away a person's memory and ability to perform daily tasks, researchers are...

Mild cognitive impairment: what you need to know

Imagine you've started to notice some hiccups in your memory or thinking skills that seem a bit out of the ordinary. It's not severe enough...

Research shows root cause of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease is a condition that mainly affects older people, leading to severe memory loss, confusion, and changes in behavior. It's the most common cause...

How the MIND diet could shield against Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease, a condition that progressively impairs memory and cognitive functions, has long been a focus of medical research, with scientists tirelessly searching for...