PM 2.5 pollution linked to memory loss, Alzheimer’s-like brain atrophy
In a new study, researchers found that women in their 70s and 80s who were exposed to higher levels of air pollution experienced greater...
This thing drives development of Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases
In a new study, researchers found that inflammation drives the progression of neurodegenerative brain diseases and plays a major role in the accumulation of...
This eye test could show your risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease begins to alter and damage the brain years—even decades—before symptoms appear, making early identification of the risk paramount to slowing its progression.
Alzheimer’s breakthrough: Two amino acids could help develop new drugs
In a new study, researchers found that two short strings of amino acids could pave the way for new treatments of Alzheimer’s disease.
It is...
A game-changing test for prion, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases is on the horizon
There are currently no effective treatments for prion diseases, a family of fatal neurodegenerative conditions caused by accumulations of misfolded copies of a naturally...
Scientists solve a big puzzle of Alzheimer’s disease
Years before symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease occur, damaging proteins amyloid beta and tau accumulate in the brain.
Scientists have found that amyloid accumulates first, but...
This daily nutrient may play a critical role in treating Alzheimer’s disease
Choline is an important nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and can be used as a dietary supplement.
All plant and animal cells...
Alzheimer’s disease impacts women more and differently
November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month, and many people don't realize that of the 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimer's disease, nearly two-thirds are women.
Researchers find how to predict who will develop Alzheimer’s
Dementia has a group of symptoms that commonly include problems with memory, thinking, problem-solving, language and perception.
It is not a disease in its own...
This exercise may improve memory in seniors
In a new study, researchers examined the impact of exercise on the brain and found that high-intensity workouts improve memory in older adults.
The study...