Alzheimer's disease

Poor diets may cause poor memories, cognitive decline

In a new study, researchers found that eating an unhealthy diet may have much more harms than previously thought. It can contribute to cognitive decline...
This gum disease may determine whether you will have Alzheimer’s

This gum disease may determine whether you will have Alzheimer’s

In a new study, researchers have confirmed that a gum disease called gingivitis plays a decisive role in whether a person develops Alzheimer’s disease...

A small zap to the brain may help you recall forgotten memories

In a new study, researchers found that a small electrical zap to the brain could help people retrieve forgotten memories. The finding provides strong evidence...

This common nutrient may protect your brain, preventing dementia

Recently, researchers from Arizona State University have found an important nutrient called choline may help fight Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia. The...
Scientists discover a possible cause of Alzheimer’s

Scientists discover a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers found that high levels of LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol) in the body may play a causal role in the...
This stroke drug may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

This stroke drug may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers found that a drug currently developed for treating stroke patients could also prevent Alzheimer's disease. They found that the drug...

VR may detect early signs of Alzheimer’s disease, Cambridge study shows

In a new study, researchers found that virtual reality (VR) could help detect navigation problems in early Alzheimer’s disease. The VR detection is more accurately...
Brain may start to change 30 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms appear

Brain may start to change 30 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms appear

In a new study, researchers found that brain changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease can appear  3 to 10 years—some even more than 30 years—before...
New Alzheimer drug passes an important test

New Alzheimer drug passes an important test

In a new study, researchers reported that a new drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease has passed an important test. The drug candidate called PRI-002 has...
Scientists discover new way to detect Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists find new way to detect Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers have discovered a new method to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. They found that the level of the fatty molecules was higher...