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Cold traps on the Moon likely have solid carbon dioxide, shows study

The trapped solid carbon dioxide could be used to sustain robot or human presence on the moon. After decades of uncertainty, researchers have confirmed the...

Earth’s deep biosphere holds secrets to evolutionary history

A new study sheds light on the evolutionary history of an elusive form of life on Earth: the deep biosphere, a hidden realm of...

Scientists reveal the fate of sinking tectonic plates

Our world’s surface is a jumble of jostling tectonic plates, with new ones emerging as others are pulled under. The ongoing cycle keeps our continents...

Scientists discover new bulbous nosed dinosaur

A new dinosaur with an unusually large nose has been identified by University of Portsmouth and Natural History Museum scientists. The new species, named Brighstoneus...

Global temperatures over last 24,000 years show today’s warming unprecedented

A University of Arizona-led effort to reconstruct Earth's climate since the last ice age, about 24,000 years ago, highlights the main drivers of climate...

Why did glacial cycles intensify a million years ago

Something big happened to the planet about a million years ago. There was a major shift in the response of Earth’s climate system to variations...

250000-year-old skull raises questions about human origins

The discovery of a partial skull of a young child believed to have died at least 250,000 years ago in a cave near Johannesburg,...

Scientists discover nearly 500 ancient sites in Southern Mexico

Using laser mapping data, researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and other institutions have discovered 478 ancient ceremonial centers in southern Mexico. Most...

On ancient Earth, it never rained but it poured

Today, we are experiencing the dramatic impacts that even a small increase in global temperatures can have on a planet’s climate. Now, imagine an Earth...

Scientists find strange black superionic ice that could exist inside other planets

Scientists used diamonds and a beam of brilliant X-rays to recreate the conditions deep inside planets, and found a new phase of water called...