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Scientists uncover secrets of enormous hole in Antarctic sea ice

In 2016 and 2017, researchers observed an extraordinary event in Antarctica: a massive hole, called a polynya, formed in the sea ice, reaching a...

How Earth’s mantle shapes its surface

The rocky landscape of our planet is a masterpiece crafted by the intricate dance of tectonic plates. We know how these plates colliding or moving...

Assyriologist unravels mystery of 2,700-year-old temple

In the ancient city of Dūr-Šarrukīn, which we now call Khorsabad in Iraq, there's a puzzle that's baffled experts for over a century. On the...

For the ancient Maya, cracked mirrors were a path to the world beyond

Some people fear that breaking a mirror can lead to seven years of misfortune. The history of this superstition may go back to the ancient...

China set to blast off to the far side of the Moon – here’s...

China is attempting to recover the first ever soil and rock samples from the lunar far side. The surface mission, Chang'e 6, named after the...

Scientists discover five new hydrothermal vents in Pacific Ocean

A recent ocean exploration has led to a thrilling discovery: five new hydrothermal vents in the eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, found at a depth...

Ancient village shows remarkable adaptability to climate challenges

Around 6200 BCE, the world experienced significant climate changes that caused global temperatures to drop and sea levels to rise. This event, known as the...

Archaeologists uncover 7,000-year-old neolithic settlement in Serbia

Archaeologists have made a significant discovery in Northeast Serbia, uncovering a 7,000-year-old settlement near the Tamiš River. This find is particularly notable because large settlements...

Scientists unravel ancient Avar society’s family dynamics through DNA analysis

An international team of archaeologists and specialists in archaeogenetics, collaborating with the Hungarian National Museum, has made a significant discovery shedding light on the...

T. rex: Not as brainy as once thought

Previous research suggested that dinosaurs, like the mighty T. rex, were smarter than your average reptile but not quite on par with monkeys in...