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Scientists discover a Jurassic pterosaur in South America

Scientists from Argentina, the UK, and Germany recently find a new species of pterosaurs from the Patagonia region of South America. Pterosaurs are flying reptiles...
South Atlantic Ocean

On the CO2 capturing in the South Atlantic Ocean

Oceans are the main responsible for capturing the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on Earth. Without this action, the intensification of the greenhouse effect would...
Cross sections at Jacinth HM deposit of Eucla Basin

Geological and Exploration Models of Beach Placer Deposits, Integrated from Case-Studies of Southern Australia

Heavy mineral (HM) deposits are the principal source of several industrial minerals, including the main source of titanium feedstock for the titanium dioxide (TiO2)...
Stenophlebia liaoningensis 42.2mm

The first Early Cretaceous damsel-dragonfly from western Liaoning, China

In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, damsel-dragonflies widely existed in Europe (e.g., Germany, Spain, England, and France). So far, only two damsel-dragonflies have been found from...
dinosaur extinction

How some birds survived but all other dinosaurs died

How dinosaurs were extinct 66 million years ago remains a question. One theory is that an asteroid smashed into the Earth, which caused dramatic climate...
twitter map

A Twitter map of happiness, diet and fitness in New York, San Francisco, and...

Social media websites like Twitter and Facebook are more and more important in our daily life. People like to exchange information about health, happiness,...
Financial support to farmers from taxpayers and consumers associated with agricultural policies as a proportion of the total value of agricultural production

How to protect environment without sacrificing agriculture?

Food demand drives the most dominant land use on Earth. This causes a fundamental challenge to the natural environment. Lots of natural habitats have been...

The History of Penguins in Australia

Recent studies on the fossil penguin faunas of Antarctica, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America have converged on several key events in penguin...
Remote sensing improves earthquake-response management for agricultural water

Remote sensing improves earthquake-response management for agricultural water

Earthquakes can damage the groundwater system, destruct agricultural activities, and threaten food security. To prevent this, we need effective responses and recovery strategies. This requires a...
Big data in smart city

Big data in smart city

Nowadays, the word “smart” means two things: sophisticated computing ability and connection. We use various smart devices in daily life, such as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets,...